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It's all about school 😅

Publié par Ari
It's all about school 😅

Hey guys,It's Ariana!Lately,I've been super busy because of my exams at school:3 So now I'm writing this article since many of you are in the middle of your exam period.Well,maybe the title of the article seems boring to you...I know,who wants to read about school and subjects and stuff like that?! But I think that what I'm going to say is kind of important.

So,exam-period is the most difficult time of the school year.We have to study all the time and we have no free time and we get stressed and we panic...So it stands to reason why most of us hate exams! So here are some advice you could use in order to survive during this hell called exams ;)

1)First of all you should have a programm.Organize your time in a way that you can study a lot and have some breaks too.Because studying without even a 10-minute break is unhealthy!

2)Take a nap!Sleeping early at night can be so helpful! So have a shower and go to bed! The next morning you will be fresh and ready to go on studying;)

3) Eat!Well,this must be the easiest advice to follow lol. But be careful, not any kind of food!Especially girls that have this special connection with chocolate must be careful.Summer is coming,so we don't want to go to the beach 10 pounts heavier.Eat more fruit,vegetables and avoid candies.I know it's difficult..I can't stay away from them either:c And most important eat small portions!

4)Chill out! Exams are really important but you don't have to go crazy and lose your mind! Go out with your friends,watch a movie,read a book,listen to music or do whatever please you.And NEVER,EVER get stressed!I know you can't control it all the times but you must! Otherwise stress can destroy you and make you fail..
So BREATHE,SMILE,REPEAT and keep going,because summer is here and it's time for us to take a break!

Good Luck guys!


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You are doing a really great article. I'm starting to like you, don't be gone.
Aw thank you!I'm glad you like it. I am here to stay thanks to this great opportunity that Ness gave me:)
You're right, I'm too stressed when the exams are coming. But If I look a tv show I will be destracting all day even when I'm not watching : I will be reading an history class, I will be thinking "OMG IT LOOKS LIKE IAN SOMERHALDER'S EYES" lol
I feel you! I face This problem too...but you should focus on your exams and If tv distracts you try something else in your free time,read a book for example:)
I loved Ness' article : Meet Devon, why don't you do an interview with someone? Ness always do this, and it's very cool. Is Ness who choose your article?
It's on my plans to do an interview too . But I thought that this article would be the appropriate one for this period. But yes,more interviews are coming!
Good job. Where are you from?
Hey,thank you!:) I'm from Greece.

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